Professional Wedding Videographers
- Wedding videos in Perth in digital format for BlueRay or DVDs, players, with free YouTube upload option. In PAL / NTSC formats or streamed from your website, last forever and are easily copied and mailed to those who couldn't be at your Perth wedding. Just supply a mailing list - we can mail your wedding video in Perth and will design covers with a photo from your Perth wedding.
- Free wedding photos included with your wedding video.
- We use a wide range of Special Effects and Transitions to make your wedding video look special. Wedding videos videoed by a skilled, professional Perth videographer is what's needed to make your Perth wedding videos interesting.
- All wedding videos filmed in Perth are done with the LATEST digital video equipment such as new:
- Digital video cameras
- Fluid head tripods for SMOOTH panning
- Range of quality interchangeable lenses.
- Quality microphones (and lights optional extra if necessary)
- Our wedding videographers in Perth are discrete, cultured and don't distract from Perth wedding ceremonies. Wedding videographers are happy to work with your Perth wedding planners.
- Can use any music. We have prepaid copyrights.
- Wedding videos in Perth are edited and produced to BlueRay or DVD VERY QUICKLY after your wedding in Perth. Wedding videos in Perth auto-start with menus. Use your disc plaer remote to jump to your Perth wedding video chapter such as:
- Pre-wedding party video
- Buck's party
- Hen night
- Bride's house
- Wedding Ceremony video
- Wedding reception video
- We can even add your videos such as your honeymoon to your wedding video and include it as a menu item on your wedding DVD.
- FREE streaming wedding video clips online for your family to watch from anywhere in the world.
- Because our videographers produce wedding videos in Perth, quickly and with QUALITY, they are in demand so to save disappointment book ahead to record your wedding video in Perth.
- We can come to you with our portable DVD player demonstrating our wedding video productions in Perth.
- Our Perth wedding videographer is prepared to travel to do:
- wedding videos in Sydney
- wedding videos in Melbourne
- wedding videos in Brisbane
- wedding videos in Adelaide
- wedding videos on the GoldCoast
- wedding videos in Cairns.


 Cost of Wedding Videos in Perth