Perth |
URL - Uniform Resource = Web address, virtual domain name. eg www - World Wide Web. Place in cyberspace networking documents and other data, providing information on most subject via text, graphics, audio and video. Domain: - www sub-groups such as .com, au, gov, edu. See ICANN generic top level domain names gTLD. Browser - Software on your computer such as MS Internet Explorer or Google's Chrome, used to access the www. ISP - Internet Service Provider. Company that provides connection to the internet. SEO - Search engine optimisation. Search Engine - website were millions of indexed web pages are automatically search for by the keywords you submit about your research subject. Server - A computer often at your ISP which servers web page, email, graphic, and other files to the internet. Download - Copying files from remote computers to a local computer. Up-load - Copying files from a local computer to a remote computer. ftp - File Transfer Protocol. A method of downloading or uploading files to or from your ISP's server. Hyperlink - Also known simply as a link. Is a link between text or image to another web page or email etc. Hypertext is often underlined, bright colour. Home Page - Front page of a website.
Banner - An online ad. Often
animated at the top or bottom of a web page. Ad Impressions - The number of times users click on an ad with a mouse, with the intent of obtaining further information on the subject of the ac. Ad Click Through Rate - Percentage of the number of times the ad is displayed. User Session/Visit - A continuous 30 minute period of Internet usage. Unique Users - number of people or machines who visit a website or page. Cookie - A small file placed in your computer's Temporary Internet folder, by a website, which allows websites, to record a limited amount of information to identify a user's browser upon returning to a site. For example, membership-based sites. No personal details such as name or address are stored in a cookie. Usually just the unique user number. |