2 Train Stations in Perth CityThere are 2 major train stations in Perth. The Perth domestic train station is in the CBD with heavy rail lines from: Photo of the Perth train station is at the top of this webpage. The Perth train station location is between Wellington Street and Northbridge restaurants. The Perth Train Station is near accommodation, retail shops, business district, Perth bus depot in Wellington Street, taxi rank, free CBD bus stop, etc. Video of Perth Train Station
Bus and ferry tickets or smart cards entitle you to travel on trains in Perth and visa versa. The trans Australia Perth Train Station Terminal is two train stations stops east of the Perth domestic train station, on the Midland line. Perth trains carriages are large, electrified, modern and clean. Bicycles are permitted on board Perth trains outside peak travel times. Transit guards keep your train travel secure. 
Express trains on the same rail line destinations, depart from DIFFERENT station platforms than regular all stops Perth trains. In football season trains to Subiaco Train Station can be crowed. At peak hour train travel, elderly, disabled, mothers with babies, etc have seating priority especially with train seats near doors. Full fare train travel in Perth for a couple of zones is approximately A$8. |