- Advertising videos auto start with DVD menus, titles and credits.
- Advertising videos can be streamed from a special web server with one click from a link on your web page or email.
- Advertising videos come with colour printed covers.
- Advertising videos are filmed by experienced Perth videographers with the latest high quality professional equipment.
- Advertising videos in Perth are edited produced and delivered in record time by skilled experienced editors.
- Advertising videos in formats of your choosing: PAL, NTSC, MPEG2, and can play on both DVD players or PCs. For multi media streaming via the web: Quicktime, MPEG4, WMV, .au by "Real" We can convert your existing advertising video to the latest format. Advertising video conversion is approximately $500 depending on how long your advertising video is.
- We can organise the bulk duplication of your master advertising video. Perth dispatch centre will have your advertising video in the hands of you client in less than a week after shooting.
- We can come to you with our portable DVD player demonstrating our advertising video productions in Perth.
VIRAL MARKETING ADVERTISING VIDEOS- Entertaining short advertising videos clips in MPEG or QuickTime format sent from peer to peer as email attachments have much more persuasion than advertising videos force feed from TV. Entertaining short advertising videos clips have a "cool" factor which is used as incentive to spread emails like wildfire to deliver MASSIVE visits to websites. More about viral marketing.
Advertising Video Production Perth on DVD Aust$2,200 inc. GST - Filming
- Capture to PC and conversion.
- Editing
- Auto-Start menu driven presentations
- Video segments in format of your choosing eg:
- DVD or VCD
- Mpeg
- RAM (Real Audio Movie)
- QuickTime for PC and Mac ie cross-platform :-)
- Streaming movies for websites
- Titles
- DVD or SVCD Cover designs
Optional Extras: - Sound track: We work closely with Perth sound engineers who not only write, engineer and produce, advertising video music but are also VERY well connected at TOP levels of the Australian music industry to get permits for you. Alternatively you can supply your own advertising video music with a copyright authority. Music is recorded in our large Perth music studio or in Melbourne.
- Slide show of images (eg products, bands, etc.)
- Websites with access to any file types
- Real audio
- Power Point
- Excel files
- etc
- Advertising video production training
Your video production is captured and converted to format/s of your choosing. We then add: - Graphics
- Text
- Menus
- Still images
- Hypertext
Advertising videos take most data and should therefore be kept under an hour to preserve quality. CDs typically fit 700mb of data, be it videos, music, web pages and graphics, etc. There is a balance between the amount of data and quality which can fit on a 700mb disk. Our DVD disks can hold up to 4.7Gb of data. We specialise in advertising video production of Perth Hotels and accommodation property marketing in Perth Western Australia. We are prepared to video your Western Australian resort but you would need to fly our Perth based advertising video production specialist to your hotel resort. After editing your accommodation advertising video, your advertising video production will be mailed to you. If you like it, you can have streaming advertising video hotel promotion from your site. Streaming viral marketing clips Australia examples. Location expenses such as Australian cameraman travel from Perth are extra. You might prefer to have your advertising video production filmed and edited in sunny Perth Western Australia. If so here's a link to accommodation near our studio: www.accommodationperth.info
ADVERTISING VIDEO PRODUCTION SUMMARY: Digital cinematography Editing Multiple copies digital video productions made from master dvd DVD packaging design and packaging Mail out (optional) Setting up web servers with digital video files for streaming / broadcasting / narrowcasting advertising digital videos Adding links on your website for visitors to either download digital video productions or stream video just as if you'd set up your own Australian broadcasting. Corporations wanting more information need simply pick up the phone and talk with Steve.

Manager Advertising Videos Perth POB 334 Scarborough Beach Perth Western Australia 6922

 Promotional Videos Perth
 Advertising Videos Perth
Perth Beach Video Preview video clip in Windows Media Player. Download Perth eBook, save and email either to your friends. Ref: Viral Marketing | Advertising Space Available at this advertising videos page for less than $1 per day |